miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Tabla de equivalencias para pinturas

Hola lectores, os dejo un articulo de nuestros amigos de Fanhammer que me pareció muy interesante,  puesto que este blog va de eso, de pinturas, también sirve para ver que diferentes casas de pintura existen ya que la gran mayoría de los que pintamos nos hacemos esta pregunta,

¿Existen otras casas de pintura aparte de la de Games Workshop? si !!!! las hay, y ademas mas baratas.

Tabla de equivalencias para pinturas

Por e-Minis
Cuántas veces nos hemos preguntado… ¿Cuál es el nombre nuevo de esta pintura Citadel ? Seguro que muchas, por eso nosotros os queremos dar la solución a este problema mostrándoos una tabla de equivalencia para los nombres antiguos y nuevos de Citadel. Una herramienta muy útil y necesaria para todos los que tenemos este hobby.
En esta tabla no sólo encontrarás la equivalencia para Citadel, sino también su homólogo en otras gamas de pinturas como Model Color y Game Color, de Vallejo, o Rackham y Reaper Master.
ColorNuevas CitadelAntiguas CitadelVallejo Game ColorVallejo Model ColorRackhamReaper
White ScarSkull WhiteDead White (001)White (951)Eternal White (1)Pure White
Smelly PrimerWhite Primer (002)Foundation White (919)Brush-on
Pallid FleshPale Flesh (003)Light Flesh (928)Pearly Flesh (31)Rosy Highlight (9069)
Kislev FleshElf FleshElf Skintone (004)Flat Flesh (955)Craggy Skin (30)Rosy Highlight (9069)
Bad Moon YellowBald Moon Yellow (005)Lemon Yellow (952)Clear Yellow (9095)
Flash Gitz YellowSunburst YellowSunblast Yellow (006)Flat Yellow (953)Lahn Yellow (40)Sun Yellow
Yriel YellowGolden YellowGold Yellow (007)Golden Yellow (948)Royal Yellow (39)Marigold Yellow (9007)
Tallarn SandDesert YellowDesert Yellow (063)Dark Yellow (978)Faded Khaki (9129)
Fiery OrangeOrange Fire (008)Light Orange (911)Merin’s Fire (38)Fire Orange (9006)
Troll Slayer OrangeBlazing OrangeHot Orange (009)Scarlet (817)Fusion Red (37)Phoenix Red (9005)
Evil Sunz ScarletBlood RedBloody Red (010)Vermillion (909)Rackham Red (36)Clear Red
Wazdakka RedRed GoreGory Red (011)Cavalry Brown (982)Natural Leather (34)Carnage Red (9135)
Khorne RedScab RedScarlett Red (012)Carmine Red (908)Arcavia Red (35)Deep Red
Terracotta*Terracotta (065)Clotted Red (9134)
Squid Pink (013)Pink (958)Friend Flesh (33)Pale Violet
Screamer PinkWarlock PurpleWarlord Purple (014)Magenta (945)Celestial Pink (46)Pale Violet
Red (9027)
Xereus PurpleLiche PurpleHexed Lichen (015)Royal Purple (810)Divine Purple (6)Clear Plum (9132)
Imperial PurpleRoyal Purple (016)Royal Purple (810)Deep Amethyst (9079)
Nauseating BlueSick Blue (017)Violet (960)Clear Purple (9099)
Storm BlueStormy Blue (018)Blue (925)Migol Blue (5)Ritterlich Blue (9115)
Midnight BlueNight Blue (019)Dark Prussian Blue (899)Abyssal Blue (3)Ultramarine Shadow (9187)
Kantor BlueRegal BlueImperial Blue (020)Royal Blue (809)Brilliant Blue (9116)
Caledor SkyEnchanted BlueMagic Blue (021)Dark Blue (930)Ephren Blue (4)Cyan Blue
Altdorf Guard BlueUltramarine BlueUltra Marine Blue (022)Ultramarine (839)Wizard Blue (7)Ultramarine Highlight
Lothern BlueIce BlueIce Blue (095)Azure (902)Glacier Blue (9)
Lightning Bolt BlueElectric Blue (023)Sky Blue (961)Sacred Blue (8)Sky Blue
Sotek GreenHawk TurquoiseFalcon Turquoise (024)Light Turquoise (840)Precious Blue (12)Marine Teal (9077)
Vile GreenFoul Green (025)Park Green Flat (969)Antique Green (13)
Jade GreenJade Green (026)Light Turquoise (840)Reptilian G.
Scaly GreenScurf Green (027)Emerald (838)Chitin Green (19)Clear Viridian (9131)
Caliban GreenDark Angels GreenDark Green (028)Deep Green (970)Diisha Green (18)Pine Green (9010)
Warpstone GlowSnot GreenSick Green (029)Intermediate Green (891)Avagddu Green (17)Clear Green (9096)
Warboss GreenGoblin GreenGoblin Green (030)Pastel Green (885)Chasm Green (16)Field Green (9167)
Elysian GreenCamo GreenCamouflage Green (031)Olive Green (967)Camoflage Green (9177)
Moot GreenScorpion GreenScorpy Green (032)Light Green (942)Quithayran Green (14)Pale Green (9012)
Bilious GreenLivery Green (033)Yellow Green
Mystic Green (15)Spring Green (9146)
Castellan GreenCatachan GreenCayman Green (067)Olive Grey (888)Muddy Olive (9034)
Ushabti BoneBleached BoneBonewhite (034)Buff (976)Wildcat Gray (42)Yellowed Bone (9143)
Nurgling GreenRotting FleshDead Flesh (035)German Yellow (806)Dead Flesh (11)Pale Olive (9036)
Bronzed FleshBronze Flesh (036)Dark Flesh (927)Burnt Orange (9111)
Tau Light OchreVomit BrownFilthy Brown (037)Beige Red (804)Tanned Skin (29)Tanned Leather (9031)
Leprous BrownScrofulous Brown (038)Gold Brown (877)Saffron Sunset (9182)
Zamesi DesertBubonic BrownPlague Brown (039)Yellow Ochre (913)Forgotten Gold (25)Palomino Gold (9074)
Balor BrownSnakebite LeatherCobra Leather /Leather Brown (040)Brown Sand (876)Kalliene Yellow (23)Chestnut Gold (9073)
Ratskin FleshDwarf FleshDwarf Skin (041)Brown Rose (803)Rosy Skin (9068)
Skrag BrownVermin BrownParasite Brown (042)Orange Brown (981)Syhar Soil (24)Chestnut Brown (9071)
Mournfang BrownBestial BrownBeasty Brown (043)Flat Brown (984)Soil of Avagddu (22)Intense Brown (9138)
Steel Legion DrabGraveyard EarthEarth (062)English Uniform (921)Uniform Brown (9127)
Karak StoneKommando KhakiKhaki (061)German Cam. Beige WWII (821)Terran Khaki (9122)
Doombull BrownDark FleshDark Fleshtone (044)Mahogany Brown (846)Beastly Flesh (21)Chestnut Brown (9071)
Tanned FleshTan (066)Antique Rose (9139)
Rhinox HideScorched BrownCharred Brown (045)Burnt Umber (941)Dirty Leather (20)Muddy Brown (9028)
Ghostly GreyGhost Grey (046)Flat Aluminum (993)Ghost White (9063)
Fenrisian GreySpace Wolves GreyWolf Grey (047)Pale Greyblue (907)Snow Shadow (9021)
The FangShadow GreySombre Grey (048)Oxford Blue (807)Twilight Blue (9020)
Administratum GreyFortress GreyStonewall Grey (049)Pale Grey Blue (907)Sharp Gray (43)Weathered Stone (9087)
DawnstoneCodex GreyCold Grey (050)Basalt Grey (869)Gray of Darkness (45)Rainy Grey (9038)
Abaddon BlackChaos BlackChaos Black / Black (051)Black (950)Accursed Black (2)Pure Black (9037)
Runefang SteelMithril SilverMithril Silver / Silver (052)Silver (997)Polished Silver (49)Polished Silver (9054)
IronbreakerChainmailChain Mail (053)Natural Steel (864)Honed Steel (9053)
LeadbelcherBoltgun MetalGunmetal / Gunmetal Metal (054)Gunmetal Grey (863)Shadowed Steel (9052)
Auric Armour GoldBurnished GoldPolished Gold (055)Gold (996)New Gold (9051)
Gehenna’s GoldShining GoldGlorious Gold (056)Old Gold (878)Antique Gold (9050)
Hashut CopperDwarf BronzeBright Bronze (057)Bronze (998)Ancient Bronze (9049)
Brazen BrassBrassy Brass (058)Brass (801)Tarnished Brass (9198)
Beaten CopperHammered Copper (059)Copper (999)Coppery Orange (9102)
Warplock BronzeTin BitzTinny Tin (060)Scorched Metal (9125)
Black InkBlack Ink (94)
Dark Green InkGreen Ink (89)
Flesh Wash
Magenta Ink
Purple InkViolet Ink (87)
Mechanicus Standard GreyAdeptus BattlegreyHeavy Grey (145)Russian Uniform (924)
Celestra GreyAstronomicon GreyHeavy Bluegrey (144)Pale Blue Grey (905)Weathered Stone (9087)
Mournfang BrownCalthan BrownHeavy Siena (154)Flat Brown (984)Dark Highlight (9042)
Stormvermin FurCharadon GraniteHeavy Charcoal (155)German Grey (995)Pure Black (9103)
Rakarth FleshDheneb StoneHeavy Warmgrey (148)Ruddy Leather (9109)
The FangFenris Grey
Deathworld ForestGretchin GreenHeavy Khaki (149)Middlestone (882)Worn Olive (9159)
Daemonette HideHormagaunt PurpleHeavy Violet (142)Violet (960)Nightshade Purple (9022)
Averland SunsetIyanden DarksunHeavy Goldbrown (151)Goldbrown (877)Green Ochre (9128)
Baneblade BrownKhemri BrownHeavy Brown (153)Us Field Drab (873)Woodstain Brown (9160)
Loren ForestKnarloc GreenHeavy Green (146)Luftwaffe Ca. Green (823)Olive Drab (9158)
Jokaero OrangeMacharius Solar OrangeHeavy Orange (152)German Orange (805)Phoenix Red (9005)
Mephiston RedMechrite RedHeavy Red (141)Red (926)Clotted Red (9134)
Macragge BlueMordian BlueHeavy Blue (143)Prussian Blue (965)Breonne Blue (9055)
Kantor BlueNecron Abyss
Caliban GreenOrkhide ShadeHeavy Blackgreen (147)Black Green (980)Jungle Moss (9082)
Balor BrownTausept OchreHeavy Ochre (150)Ochre Brown (856)Half Orc Highlight (9204)
Cadian FleshtoneTallarn FleshHeavy Skintone (140)Brown Sand (876)Leather Brown (9030)
Drakenhof NightshadeAsurmen Blue WashBlue Shade Wash (73207)
Carroburg CrimsonBaal Red WashRed Shade Wash (73206)
Nuln OilBadab Black WashBlack Wash (73201)
Agrax EarthshadeDevlan Mud WashUmber Shade Wash (73203)
Seraphim SepiaGryphonne Sepia WashSepia Wash (73200)
Druchii VioletLeviathan Purple WashPale Grey Shade Wash (73202)
Reikland FleshshadeOgryn Flesh WashFleshtone Shade Wash (73204)
Biel-Tan GreenThraka Green WashGreen Shade Wash (73205)

Bueno espero que os sea de utilidad, en poco tiempo empezare a subir videos cortos de tecnicas de pintura para gente que quiere empezar y no sabe como. 

3 comentarios:

  1. ¡Vendrían genial esos videos que dices!

  2. Si lo se, me los está pidiendo mucha gente, espero que para la semana que viene esté el primero, empezaremos por la base, la elección del color de imprimación y las técnicas básicas para que podamos darle el esquema de colores elegido.

  3. Si vais a copiar y pegar la entrada de otro blog, al menos modificarlo un poco...
